Teacher Union sends strong message to Director General to refund tax imposed on digital support allowance

Executives of three teacher unions, Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Ghana National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana (CCT Ghana) have written to the Ghana Education Service (GES) the Director General to take action on the taxable digital support allowance by reversing and refunding of tax that was imposed on the said allowance as soon as possible.
The letter reads below ;
We, the Teacher Unions had earlier in our letter dated November 21, 2024 called on the Director General of Ghana Education Service (GES) to stop the tax imposed on the above mentioned Allowance and refund same to teachers.
We hereby remind the GES of the Collective Agreement (CA) which enjoins both parties to promote the growth and development of cooperation, trust, respect and endeavour to uphold these values in the implementation of the CA.
It is therefore unfortunate that the GES has unilaterally deducted the tax from the above mentioned allowance contrary to the agreement and promise that it would not be deducted.
We hereby demand that the GES should as matter of urgency reverse the said tax deduction and refunded same to teachers without fail.
We are impatiently waiting and hope to hear quick and swift action to our demand