Education News

GES drops very important message to Heads of SHS /SHTS; treat it as urgent

The Management of the Ghana Education has issued a statement concerning the Professional Learning community which was initiated after the introduction of the new curriculum, with this (GES) wishes to commend all staff of senior high and senior high technical schools for their dedication and commitment to the successful implementation of the new senior high school reforms.

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According to the statement, while trail phase is progressing smoothly, the management have identified a concern regarding the attendance of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) by teachers, particularly those in schools operating transitional calendars. We have noted that some teachers are being required to attend PLCs during their vacation periods.

We want to emphasize that PLCs are designed to support teacher development and should not be a burden that infringes on teachers’ well-deserved vacation time. Regional Directors are, therefore, directed to instruct Heads of SH/SHTS to immediately cease the practice of requiring teachers to attend PLCs during their vacation periods.

The management urges heads to make sure that any PLC sessions missed due to vacation should be rescheduled for targeted teachers upon their return to school.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that teachers can rest and rejuvenate during their vacation periods.

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