GNAT sends important message to it’s members, take it as urgent

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), one of the biggest teacher union in Ghana has issues unions alert to its members about some unscrupulous people who are going round seeking for personal information about GNAT leadership at all levels.
According to a statement released on 6th August, 2024 by the general secretary sighted by, there are some unscrupulous people who are going round, under the camouflage of seeking personal information about GNAT Leadership at all the levels, including the basic units, the locals, districts, regions, and the national.
They are enquiring/asking of their;
i. Name(s)
ii. Gender
iii. Age
iv. Marital Status, among others.
He there entreat all our members not to respond to these unscrupulous people and their enquiries/requests and also treat them with the contempt they deserve.
He added that, in case of doubt, kindly contact GNAT Headquarters.