JHS 2 Girl Arrested with Gün After Plot to K!ll Teacher Over Haircut

14-Year-Old Girl Arrested with Gun After Plot to K!ll Teacher Over Haircut
Information reaching our portal indicates Nigerian Army officials detained a 14-year-old girl from Ikot Ewa Junior High School for trying to kill her teacher in a startling event that underscores the rising trend of ‘wawulence’ among young students.
The young teenager who is under suspect was found in possession of a double-barrel gun that had been trimmed to size, which she allegedly intended to use to kill her instructor in retaliation for forcing her to cut her dyed hair.
The youngster reportedly became enraged when her teacher enforced the school’s grooming code, which mandated that students wear their hair naturally. She was arrested before she could carry out the attack because she allegedly decided to take lethal action after feeling humiliated.
Widespread worries about Nigeria’s rising student violence rate and the accessibility of firearms to children have been aroused by this incident. There are major concerns that a teenager may have access to such a lethal weapon.