
Payment Notice; NABCO Sends important message to all NABCO Personnel

The management of Nation Builders Corps has sent messages to all former trainees who remained at post during the extension period (ending September 2022).

According to information reaching our portal, trainees are to note that all modules will be invited to upload timesheets for months owed during the extension period of the NABCO scheme through SMS. As at now Educate Ghana module has started receiving theirs. You may refer to image below;


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The scheduled batches are as follows:

  1. Saturday 26th to Monday 28th October (11.59pm)

Educate Ghana Trainees (EDG) ONLY

  1. Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th October

Revenue Ghana, Civic Ghana, and Heal Ghana ONLY.

  1. Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November 2024

Enterprise Ghana, Feed Ghana, and Digitise Ghana trainees ONLY

The team managing the process entreat all former trainees to comply with the above to avoid any delays in the processing of their claims for months owed.

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Please note that in the absence of your DCs and RCs you DO NOT have to submit a hard copy of your Timesheet to anyone except to upload, and the team will process payments as follows:

All payment validation will be done by MIPs and extra checks with both Controller and Accountant General, SSNIT, before payments. Please avoid any fraudulent submissions.

Please be advised that former trainees do not need to pay or see any person to facilitate payment.

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Individual trainees are responsible for resolving their claims and issues pertaining to their time on the scheme. Avoid the attempt to unionise issues of loss of personal information, phone numbers (and changes), log-in credentials, MIP, and other validating authorities’ individual disputes.

Finally, for all outstanding previous issues with systems or validation, those affected trainees must await to be guided after the extension issues are resolved.

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