Education News

Another Group Of Teachers, Administrators To Go On Strike Effective on This Date…

Another Group Of Teachers, Administrators To Go On Strike Effective on This Date…

The Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) Chapter’s strike has received approval from the Technical University Teachers’ Association of Ghana (TUTAG).

On Friday, August 25, the Bolga TUTAG and the Technical University Senior Administrators’ Association of Ghana (TUSAAG) announced a strike action in protest of poor working conditions.

The staff accused the Vice Chancellor of hiding behind allegations of ambiguity in the “Technical Universities Act (2016) Act 922 as Amended” to underpay them in a joint press release signed by executives of TUTAG and TUSAAG.

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The group insisted that “Any TUTAG or TUSAAG member who served for a continuous 10 years under the erstwhile polytechnic system automatically qualifies as having accrued the right to enjoy this retirement benefit as pertains to other technical universities.”

In a statement signed and issued by its General Secretary, Dr Abubakari Zakari, TUTAG has emphasised the Act establishing Technical Universities in Ghana and clearly acknowledged the continuous service of staff of the then polytechnics, who smoothly went through transition processes as required by law to become staff of the newly established Technical Universities.

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“It is therefore mind-boggling and absurd for any individual or group of individuals, who by virtue of accrued rights, are currently occupying positions of authority in the Technical Universities, to attempt to vary the conditions of service of staff of the universities,” the statement read in parts.

TUTAG has therefore warned that “Any attempt to victimise members of the above Chapter, especially the leadership, will incur the displeasure of the entire membership of the union across the length and breadth of the country.”

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