Education News

Final Decision About CPD Points Reform Drops

Final Decision About CPD Points Reform Drops

Decisions about Teacher Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Reforms for Ghanaian Teachers have been made by the National Teaching Council (NTC), Ghana Education Service (GES), and Teacher Unions made up of GNAT, NAGRAT, and CCT-GH.

The final agreement was reached at a joint meeting between GES, NTC, and the three major teacher unions in education, according to a letter dated August 10, 2023 and signed by Christian Addai-Poku, Ph.D., Registrar of the National Teaching Council.

Christian Addai-Poku in the letter said, “Reference is made to the three meetings held to discuss the Teacher Unions’ petition for the review of teacher CPD framework as the Unions seek to lessen the burden of teachers regarding the number of CPDs, their accompanying points and cost.”

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“At the final meeting, which was held on 13th July 2023 between NTC and GES on one hand, the Teacher Unions comprising GNAT, NAGRAT and CCTGH on the other, the following were agreed upon:” A. CPD programmes shall be restructured into four categories including PLCs, National CPD days, Targeted and specialised CPD and Recomnmended or Self-initiated CPD.

B. All teachers, irrespective of their ranks shall attend seven (7) CPDs per year and a minimum of eight (8) PLCs per term to accrue twenty (20) CPD points.

C. The twenty points for the year shall be sourced from the following four
(4) categories:
i. PLC which shall earn the teacher six (6) points. This shall be provided free of charge by the employer.
ii. National CPD days which shall earn the teacher 6 points at GH¢ 150 for three different trainings. The cost shall be borne by the employee and shall be deducted at source from their CPD allowance.
iii. Targeted and Specialised CPDs which shall earn the teacher 4 points. This shall be provided by a CPD Service Provider at a fee.
iv. Two (2) Recommended or Self-initiated CPDs which shall earn the teacher 4 points. This shall be provided by partners such as Unions, World Bank, UNICEF, and other NGOs. These are usually free.

D. At the point of implementation, all points already accrued by teachers shall be spread over a period of three years as Self-Initiated and Specialised CPDs.

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However, such teachers shall attend all PLCs and National CPD days.

For the avoidance of doubt:

1. The cost of organising all the PLCs shall be borne by the employer.

2. The cost of the three (3) National CPD days trainings shall be borne by the employee at a subsidized rate of GH¢I50.00.

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3. The cost of the two (2) Targeted or Specialised CPDs shall be borne by the employee.

4. The cost of the recommended or self-initiated CPD may be free or borne by the employee depending on the origin of the facilitating organisation. Christian Addai-Poku quested from GES Director General to start the implementation of the above as soon as practicable.

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