Some Factors That Affect Blog SEO

Some Factors That Affect Blog SEO

Although it is evident that blog material contributes to your SEO, Google’s frequent algorithm tweaks might make writing the correct type of blog content difficult if you don’t know where to begin. Some blog ranking indicators have endured the test of time, while others are deemed “old-school.” Here are some of the most important ranking elements that can have an impact on blog SEO, both directly and indirectly.

  1. Dwell Time.
    Although dwell time is an indirect ranking element for Google, it is an important aspect in the user experience — and we all know that user experience reigns supreme when it comes to SEO.

Dwell time refers to the amount of time a reader spends on a page on your blog site. Dwell time is defined as the period between when a visitor clicks on your site in the SERP and when they depart the page.

This indicator indirectly tells search engines like Google how useful your material is to readers. It seems sense that the longer people stay on the website, the more relevant it becomes to them.

However, there is a reason why this statistic is an indirect predictor of SEO: it is entirely subjective. The search engine algorithms do not understand your content strategy.

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Your blog might be geared toward short-form information that takes only a minute or two to read. You may also include relevant information at the beginning of your blog entries to provide the greatest reader experience, resulting in less time spent on the page.

Yes, dwell time can have an impact on SEO, but don’t tweak your content to change this statistic if it doesn’t fit into your overall content strategy. HubSpot’s free blog creator allows you to generate high-quality content that expands your brand’s reach and readership.

  1. Page Speed
    We noted previously that visual aspects on your blog might impact page performance, but it isn’t the only factor that can influence this. Unnecessary coding and the usage of plugins may both contribute to a slow blog site.

Removing garbage code can make your pages load faster, which improves page performance. If you’re not sure how to detect and delete garbage code, use HTML-Cleaner. It’s a simple tool that requires no coding skills. It simply displays the superfluous code and allows you to eliminate it with a click of a button.

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I also propose performing an inventory of your blog’s plugins. Determine which ones are required to keep your blog working on a daily basis and which were installed to address a temporary issue. Plugins that influence the front end of your site are a danger to page performance, and you may probably delete more of them than you realize to improve your total site speed.

  1. Mobile responsiveness.
    More than half of Google’s search traffic in the United States originates from mobile devices. On an individual level, your blog site may follow the same path. There’s no denying that optimizing your blog site for mobile will have an impact on your SEO numbers.

But what does it mean to optimize a website for mobile? The industry rule of thumb is to keep it simple. Most pre-made site designs these days are already mobile-friendly, so all you have to do is adjust a CTA button here and a font size there.

Then, monitor how your site performs on mobile by reviewing your Google Analytics dashboard and doing a mobile site performance test on a regular basis.

  1. Index Date.
    Search engines seek to give the most relevant and accurate information possible. The date a search engine indexes the material is one criterion it considers when assessing what is relevant and accurate.
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You could be asking if the date the material was indexed matches the date it was published.

The answer is yes and no. If you submit a blog article for the first time, a Google crawler is likely to index it the same day. However, content can be backdated for a variety of acceptable reasons, such as preserving information or revising a few sentences.

Implementing a historical optimization plan might help to improve this SEO element. This method works best for sites that have been around for a while and have a good volume of material already.

By upgrading these earlier pieces with new insights and statistics, you may greatly improve your blog’s SEO without having to create a lot of new material. Site crawlers will reindex the page, taking into account the changed content, giving it another chance to compete in the SERPs. It is a win-win situation.

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